Glossary FAQIf you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form. What is Alternative Water Resource? What types of alternative water resources are being utilized in this project? What are the expected outcomes of the project? What technologies are being developed or employed to treat and manage these alternative water resources? How does the project ensure the quality and safety of the water produced from these alternative sources? World! FAQ What are "Non-conventional Water Resources" and how do they differ from conventional ones? What is "Rainwater Harvesting" and how is it implemented? What is the process of "Wastewater Treatment" and what technologies are involved? What are "Sustainable Water Management Practices"? What is "Integrated Water Resources Management" (IWRM)? Rainwater Harvesting Coming Soon... Rainwater HarvestingComing Soon... Non-Conventional Water Resources Coming Soon... Non-Conventional Water Resources Stormwater Coming Soon... StormwaterComing Soon...