Demo Case 3 in the Ammochostos (Famagusta) district of Cyprus focuses on optimizing water reuse in Paralimni and Agia Napa to address water scarcity and improve reclaimed water quality. The recently upgraded WWTP aims to minimize algal growth, reduce energy consumption, and produce Class A reclaimed water suitable for unrestricted irrigation.
Let's discover the area
The Ammochostos (Famagusta) district of Cyprus, including Paralimni and Agia Napa, is served by a recently upgraded WWTP operated by the Paralimni Sewerage Board. This plant treats up to 31,600 m³/day of sewage and reclaims water for irrigation in hotels, crops, and public spaces. The treatment process includes biological treatment using the activated sludge process, followed by sand filtration and chlorination for disinfection.
1,600 km²
Total surface area
3.2 million
31,600 m³/jour
Treatment plant capacity
What are the climatic challenges faced by the area?
- Water scarcity
- High seasonal
- Water demand
What are our Alternative Water Resources solutions for these challenges?
- Reclaimed water
- Wastewater treatment for agricultural production, public green spaces, hotel’s and sports’ courts
Expectations from AWARD Solutions
- Implement water reuse solutions to address water scarcity to climate change
- Alleviate the problems associated with storing recycled water and minimize the problem of algae proliferation in these storage sites
- Optimization of the operation of the WWTP and tertiary treatment unit
- Decreaze the energy consumption of the bioreactors
- Increase the acceptance level of reclaimed water for agricultural and urban/peri-urban use